#BecauseOfATeacher Behind the Scenes and Introduction
Every year, I try to take some time away from work and “creating” to refresh my brain and develop new ideas or things that I want to try. At the start of 2020, I started a new podcast, and it is one of my favorite things that I have the opportunity to do! I have received such wonderful feedback over the years and how much others appreciate the shared messages and guests. Still, I look at it as an incredible opportunity to push my own learning.
At the beginning of 2021, I came up with a podcast idea called “Three Questions on Educators that Inspire” (you can listen to the whole playlist here!), and it was to ask the following three questions of others:
Who is a teacher who inspired you and why?
Who is an administrator who inspired you and why?
What advice would you give yourself as a first-year teacher?
This simple idea became the book “Because of a Teacher; Stories of the Past to Inspire the Future of Education!”
This quote below is basically the reasoning behind this coming together and a way to celebrate and inspire the profession moving forward!
In the book are my stories answering these questions and the stories of 15 incredible authors/educators/leaders who share their own answers to these questions! It truly is an incredible group, and I am so proud of this book and the inspiring stories shared by these authors!
This is one of the comments I have recently received!
Today, I wanted to share with you not only the “introduction” to the book but a little of the “behind the scenes” on how it all came together.
You can listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, or watch/listen on YouTube.
You can also get your copy of the book here! I would love to know what you think of the book!