#InnovatorsMindset Instagram Book Study (January 27, 2019 — February 9, 2019)

George Couros
3 min readJan 13, 2019


This past July, I led a book study on Instagram, and it was a tremendous experience. It was a short process and encouraged participants to not only think deeply about their teaching and learning but also create their own media from the process while connecting with others.

Because of the success of the first book study, we are going to lead another book study on”The Innovator’s Mindset,” starting on January 27th, 2019. It will last for less than two weeks and is something that people can easily drop in and out of as they did the first time, or stay through the whole process. Having a copy of “The Innovator’s Mindset” is beneficial for the process but not necessary as the questions are pretty open-ended. Other than the book, the process is free, and if you already own a copy, you are good to go!

The goal is to go through a chapter a day and share learning through some visual medium. Each day I will post a question or challenge from each chapter that you can either respond to in the comments on my post or create your own post.

Each day of the book study (or as you see fit), participants will be asked to share a reflection in some form on what they have read. It can be a video that they talk or share something, a visual they create, or whatever you can think of that can be represented through Instagram like a “Booksnap” (information on that from Tara Martin here).

There are many ways you can share your learning through Instagram, so please do not limit it to my suggestions.

I encourage participants to share in the following manner:

  1. Share your post to the hashtag #InnovatorsMindset and the applicable chapter reading. For each chapter, the second hashtag will be the following:

    Intro — #InnovatorsMindsetIntro

    Chapter 1 — #InnovatorsMindsetCH1
    Chapter 2 — #InnovatorsMindsetCH2
    Chapter 3 — #InnovatorsMindsetCH3
    (Continued for all 14 chapters)
  2. Each post should have #InnovatorsMindset AND the appropriate chapter hashtag. You can share any other hashtags that you see fit for the process as well.
  3. Tag me (@gcouros) on the post on Instagram. I will do my best to see as many as possible and comment. I am blessed to have Annick Rauch (annickrauch) helping to facilitate this process, so you are more than welcome to connect with her as well. You are more than welcome to follow me on Instagram as well, but my account is open, so you do not necessarily have to do so.
  4. Write as much as little or as much as you want in the subject line on your reflection.
  5. Feel free to use the story feature to share your learning as well.

*Please note that if your account is private only people that follow you will be able to see what you share.

This process is something that I am still learning, but I learned so much from the group last time, and it was hugely beneficial. My ultimate hope is that this endeavor opens new and better doors for learning in the classroom that participants create for themselves. Bear with me as I am growing through the process as well.

The dates for the reading are the following:

Date Chapter January 27, 2019 Introduction and Chapter 1 January 28, 2019 Chapter 2 January 29, 2019 Chapter 3 January 30, 2019 Chapter 4 January 31, 2019 Chapter 5 February 1, 2019 Chapter 6 February 2, 2019 Chapter 7 February 3, 2019 Chapter 8 February 4, 2019 Chapter 9 February 5, 2019 Chapter 10 February 6, 2019 Chapter 11 February 7, 2019 Chapter 12 February 8, 2019 Chapter 13 February 9, 2019 Chapter 14

As well, please sign up here so I can try to follow all of the accounts that are taking part:

Thank you for your interest in this process. I am looking forward to connecting with educators through the Instagram platform to push my own learning and connect with others.

(PS…If you are interested, there are some shirts available here that some have already purchased for the book study and/or their schools. Below is a sample.)




George Couros
George Couros

Written by George Couros

Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant. I also like dogs.

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