Start Again Tomorrow
I have made it a goal to blog three times a week. It is an appointment I have made with myself and have kept for almost all of the last eight years that I have blogging. If you want to get better at something, you have to put in the time to do it, even when it is hard.
But this week I have been staring at the screen and struggling with what to write. I have had lots of great conversations with educators this week, but nothing is seeming to stick in my head. It is not that the discussions aren’t great, but I am struggling with concentration.
Although education is often seen to connect with thinking, learning, and the mind, it sure is hard to have those things work when your heart is not there. I know how hard it is for me to write and concentrate when I am not feeling great, which helps me empathize with so many students and teachers who try so hard to do what they have to do in a day when they are going through personal struggles.
This post is a reminder to take care of myself and be positive, even though my expectations are high. This it not a post with some negative start and a positive turnaround of inspiration. It is just a reminder it is okay to have rough days and start again tomorrow, the way, so many inspirational educators do every single day.