Where do you focus your attention for the growth of your organization?
Have you ever done a presentation and get overwhelmingly positive feedback but also get the one negative, snarky comment that you just can’t get out of your mind? We have all been there in some form, and although we know it can be irrational we still get stuck on it. We can learn from negative comments but we can also get lost in them.
You can pay attention to the negative feedback, but you don’t have to dwell on it.
I thought of this as I was speaking with a group yesterday and how they help move their staff forward. When many people ask this question, they are not thinking about the people that actively want to grow and get better but those that are “roadblocks” to growth.
There are some important distinctions that need to be made here. We often interchangeably see those that want to grow as the “high achievers,” but that is not always true. There are some that currently excel in their roles yet do not feel the need to grow. They will eventually be surpassed.
As for those that are “roadblocks,” it is important to note that these aren’t the people who don’t criticize and challenge ideas (which is essential to the growth of individuals and organizations) but are those that have a problem with every solution and provide no solutions themselves. A question I often pose is, “are you challenging this to move forward or to stand still?”
So why does all this matter?
We spend a lot of our time trying to convince the “unconvinceable,” believe that if we can just get those few to move forward, all of our problems will be solved. Those people that are wanting to thrive get left behind and lose out on the push and mentorship they crave, which ultimately leads to either their regression or them leaving your organization altogether.
If we spend time nurturing, developing, and pushing those that want to grow, they will. But those people won’t only improve; they will be empowered to do the same for others and build a stronger culture that helps those that are resistant to grow themselves.
It is much easier for a culture to move someone forward than it is for any one individual.
Placing an emphasis on those that are eager to learn will lead to accelerated growth of individuals and organizations. You can pay attention to the negative, but it doesn’t mean it should define ourselves, our journey, or destination.