Why People Keep Going
You might have seen the below picture below by Anna Vital on “Why People Give Up”:
Any single one of those reasons are things that can set us back. They have set me back often. I actually can take every idea listed above and think of a particular time that it caused me to give up, either personally or professionally temporarily.
So let’s take the ideas above and shift them to a different way of thinking.
The above image is about a “refocus,” but it doesn’t mean tough times will not happen again, or you won’t fall back into a negative mentality. Falling back is a reality. It is about not getting stuck.
I love this little shift in thinking from Marc and Angel:
“Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative. Being positive means overcoming the negative. There is a big difference between the two.”
There can always be a reason not to move forward. But, there can still be a reason to keep going.
I try to focus on this simple mantra when I struggle:
Go through it or grow through it.